Monday 4 November 2019


1.Tick the supplies a pre-schooler will need for your class in this list  ( first page)

Class decoration

Class essentials 
Resultado de imagen de supplies list for school with translation and pictures in spanish"

1. Look at the photos and answer the following questions

Resultado de imagen de pre school decoration class"

Resultado de imagen de pre school decoration class"

  1. What furniture do you see in this class?
  2. How is the furniture arranged?
  3. What furniture will you buy for your class?

2. Watch the video and answer the following questions

  1. What type of class is she going to decorate?
  2. What are the five ways to decorate the classroom?
  3. What is the message of the video? 
Key: 1. pre-school classroom/ 2.Art work, borders, posters, stikies, theme pictures/3. use deco to interact not just to decorate